The Mini Cooper is one of the smallest cars out on the road today. The Mini is also the perfect car to showcase the R1 Wheels Mass Lip Technology. The R1 Wheels Mass Lip Technology allows front-wheel drive cars to have that deep lip that they could never get before. The secret of the Mass Lip is that the Mass Lip rear wheel and the regular lip front wheel are the same width in order to maintain the correct suspension and transmission characteristics.
The face of the rear Mass Lip wheel though is shaped to allow for a lip size of up to just under 4″ deep. The result is a Mini with 4″ deep lips in the rear and an aggressive staggered look. R1 Wheels has 6 different models that come in Mass Lip fitments. The particular model on this Mini are 18″ R1 Racing Drift wheels in Gloss Black. Lastly, as with all R1 Wheels, the Drift comes in a stainless steel chromed lip. Who said when pigs fly?