New Homepage Features

In the effort to better serve our customers we now have new features at our homepage. There are now the featured wheel and featured tire with the most competitive prices in the market. Plus an easy access to the Rims Visualizer App that allows you preview rims on your own vehicle before you buy. So, you can test as many rims as you want to see how they look on your car. We are also now featuring the latest blog posts so you can keep up with what is going on in the car tuning industry and vehicle customization.

New Wheels Nex Homepage Homepage

Start Your Own Car Garage On Facebook With Car Town

Farmville may have your Mom on Facebook for hours trimming plants buts it about time a game comes along for the car enthusiast to jump on. Welcome to Car Town. Car Town is a Facebook game where you can open up your own garage and drag races thousands of cars. I’m driving a 2007 Chevy Silverado and make my money from drag racing and fixing up cars. So if your looking for a game to feed your car addiction, jump on Car Town.

Make A MPG Window Sticker For Your Used Car

Trying to get rid of that Hummer H3 you have sitting in the garage? The EPA created a new utility to create a MPG window sticker similar to a car dealership. Check out to create your own MPG window sticker for your bucket. If a for sale sign and a MPG sticker on your Hummer doesn't get it sold, your out of luck.